About St. Benedict's College

Religio, Mores, Cultura
To Help students develop spiritually, academically and in multiple skills to ever gain higher levels of excellence, continuously
To inculcate spiritual values, while imparting knowledge and skills in young people from their early age to the stage of pre adult-hood to make them competent human beings capable of contributing their mite to change the face of the earth.
“At the head of our vast system of schools stands St. Benedict’s Institute, the leading Catholic College of this Archdiocese. Founded in 1865, St. Benedict’s has always maintained its reputation for the sound education it imparts to its pupils. The good done by the devoted Brothers of the Christian Schools during their long years of service in Colombo is above all praise…”
(Pastoral Letter of Christopher Ernest Bonjean, by the Grace of God and of the Holy Apostolic See, Archbishop of Colombo, Domestic Prelate of His Holiness, Assistant to the Pontifical Throne—Colombo, 6th Jan. 1892—p.3)